
This question was asked by
Janet Sidney

Hello, Can you tell me the best heuchera to grow in containers please, I’m thinking a pinky/bronze colour.

Janet Sidney.

Hi Janet
Any Heuchera in a container will do well as long as its well drained
I attached a picture of Heuchera Walnut which is a big variety with bronze leaves and pink undersides. It depends on the size of your container too !
Smaller varieties with pink foliage would be like Heuchera Pauline, larger pink variety would be Pinot Gris, Coral berry, etc.
A great variety that usually does very well is Heuchera Marmalade (not bronze though) looks great in containers or you could mix them, having lots of different colours
Its difficult to choose one variety
Hope this helps
Kind regards

Heuchera ‘Walnut’ TM (FoxSeries) (1221)

Heuchera ‘Pauline’ TM (Fox Series) (SKU18208)

Vicky and Richard Fox