Our Tiarella ‘Emerald Ellie’ Loved by the Bees

Bees absolutely love Heuchara, Heucherella and Tiarella. As bees are struggling a bit at the moment, it’s good to put plants in your garden that they love to help them out a little. In the video above is a bee loving our Tiarella ‘Emerald Ellie’. If every garden contained a range of bee friendly flowers, trees and shrubs we could all help reverse the decline of bees by giving them food and shelter.

It’s important to plant a variety of plants that will flower at different times of the year so the bees can visit your garden all year round. If you do wish to encourage bees in your garden, avoid using insecticides, especially while your plants are flowering. This kills off not only the pesky insects you don’t want, but also the pollinating ones such as bees.