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Heuchera 'Super Wisley Trio'

Heuchera 'Super Wisley Trio'
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1 x Heuchera 'Wild Rose' Pink flowers
1 x Heuchera 'Peach smoothie' White flowers
1 x Heuchera 'Chantilly' White flowers
Heuchera 'Super Wisley Trio'
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Heuchera 'Sweet Caroline' TM (FoxSeries)

Heuchera 'Sweet Caroline' TM (FoxSeries)
- +
Beautiful large pale pink flowers over lemon and lime foliage Spring Summer, then to lime with silver cast in Autumn and Winter.
Heuchera 'Sweet Caroline' TM (FoxSeries)
Our Price £8.00
(11 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Sweet Tart'

Heuchera 'Sweet Tart'
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'The Little Cutie' Series - Heuchera in miniature zesty lemon-lime green foliage with pretty bi-colour flowers of cerise and pale pink on short dark stems, only 20 cm high!
Easy to grow , loves a shady place.
Bred by Janet Egger.
Heuchera 'Sweet Tart'
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Heuchera 'Swirling Fantasy'

Heuchera 'Swirling Fantasy'
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Pewter red foliage with dark red veins and stunning red flowers. The first to have red leaves and red flowers.
Heuchera 'Swirling Fantasy'
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Heuchera 'Tangerine Wave' TM (Fox Series)

Heuchera 'Tangerine Wave' TM (Fox Series)
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RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
Fabulous foliage of tangerine with a wavy edge, which is constantly changing colour.
If grown in shade its a soft caramel colour.
If grown in the sun the colour bright orange-peach as in the picture, then changes to a rich mahogany.
Very neat habit.
Creamy white frothy flowers.
Easy to grow, loved by the bees.
Bred by Vicky & Richard Fox
Heuchera 'Tangerine Wave' TM (Fox Series)
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Heuchera 'Tatton Cool Green Money Saving Trio'

Heuchera 'Tatton Cool Green Money Saving Trio'
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Cool, tranquil shades of green with beautiful flowers to attract the bees
1 x Heuchera 'Thomas' Tall cream flowers
1 x Heuchera 'Shimmer' small mid-pink flowers
1 x Heuchera 'Pink Dancer' Medium sized bright pink flowers
Heuchera 'Tatton Cool Green Money Saving Trio'
Our Price £24.00
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Heuchera 'Tatton Purple Trio'

Heuchera 'Tatton Purple Trio'
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Perfect for that sunny spot
1 x Heuchera 'Mulberry'
1 x Heuchera 'Electric Plum' New for 2024
1 x Heuchera 'Forever Purple'
Heuchera 'Tatton Purple Trio'
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Heuchera 'The Sunny Trio'

Heuchera 'The Sunny Trio'
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1 x Heuchera 'Forever Purple'
1 x Heuchera 'Boysenberry'
1 x Heuchera 'Black Pearl'
Heuchera 'The Sunny Trio'
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Heuchera 'Thomas' TM (Fox series)

Heuchera 'Thomas' TM (Fox series)
- +
RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
Foliage Green with red veining and silver veil which gets more pronounced as the season goes on.
Magnificent cylindrica flower spikes, tall and elegant with flowers that are unusually large (the largest flower on a Heuchera we have ever seen)
Flower stems are over 60cm. Great for cutting too.
When not in flower makes good ground cover.
Easy to grow and great for pollinators.
Bred by Vicky & Richard Fox
Heuchera 'Thomas' TM (Fox series)
Our Price £8.00
(13 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Timeless Night'

Heuchera 'Timeless Night'
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Striking rich glossy, black foliage with contrasting clear pink flowers.
Flowers Spring summer & autumn.
Heuchera 'Timeless Night'
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Heuchera 'Timeless Treasure'

Heuchera 'Timeless Treasure'
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Beautiful large bouquet-like rosy-pink flower sprays rise on red stems over small pewter-silver foliage with prominent black veining
from Spring to Autumn.
Heuchera 'Timeless Treasure'
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Heuchera 'Tiramisu'

Heuchera 'Tiramisu'
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Unusual, beautiful foliage as new foliage in Spring is pink edged with yellow, fading to golden yellow with red veins through the summer when the white flower spikes appear.
Great for a shady place in the garden.
Bred by Thierry Delabroye
Heuchera 'Tiramisu'
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Heuchera 'Titania'

Heuchera 'Titania'
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Lovely rare old variety
Tall pink flowers over green foliage
Heuchera 'Titania'
Our Price £10.00
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Heuchera 'Tokyo'

Heuchera 'Tokyo'
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Many beautiful red flowers on short stems over bright fresh green foliage.
Very attractive
Loved by pollinators
Bred by Janet Egger
Heuchera 'Tokyo'
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Heuchera 'Topaz Jazz' PBR

Heuchera 'Topaz Jazz' PBR
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New foliage opens peach-amber, then to tan, then finally yellow-amber.
Flowers on short maroon flower spikes.
Large and vigourous

Heuchera 'Topaz Jazz' PBR
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Heuchera 'Twinkle' TM (Fox Series)

Heuchera 'Twinkle' TM (Fox Series)
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Rounded green leaves and masses of pretty small white flowers with pure white stamens twinkling from the pearly flower.
Heuchera 'Twinkle' TM (Fox Series)
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Heuchera 'Van Gough'

Heuchera 'Van Gough'
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Beautiful golden green leaves which change through out the seasons. In Spring burgundy-red with a lime green outer edge, fading with red veining throughout the year. Flowers pink.
Heuchera 'Van Gough'
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Heuchera 'Venus'

Heuchera 'Venus'
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RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
Large silvery green leaves with dark veining, with pretty white flowers in Summer.
Neat habit
Easy to grow
Heuchera 'Venus'
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Heuchera 'Victoria' TM (Fox Series)

Heuchera 'Victoria' TM (Fox Series)
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Unusual foliage in Spring, with a pink centre and a lime edging, later fading to beautiful lime green slightly ruffled foliage in Summer.
White flowers on lime green stems in Summer.
Dainty neat plant but very tough.

Heuchera 'Victoria' TM (Fox Series)
Our Price £8.00
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Heuchera 'Violet Shimmer' TM (Fox Series)

Heuchera 'Violet Shimmer' TM (Fox Series)
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In the Spring, deep violet foliage with a shimmer, which as the leaf grows becomes more silvered keeping a violet shimmer through early Summer, by mid Summer/Autumn it is very silvery foliage, dark veins, slightly ruffled , with a purple underside.
Very pretty.
Easy to grow.
Loved by bees.
Named after Richards Mum.
Bred by Vicky and Richard Fox - Plantagogo
Heuchera 'Violet Shimmer' TM (Fox Series)
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Heuchera 'Walnut' TM (FoxSeries)

Heuchera 'Walnut' TM (FoxSeries)
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RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
Fabulous giant chocolate leaves which change colour to a burnt orange-brown in summer if in full sun. They seem to have a satin sheen during the summer months. Huge flowers stems carring many pearly pinky-white bells, all down the stem, A bees delight Very large, with neat mounding foliage. Bred by Vicky & Richard Fox Plantagogo
Heuchera 'Walnut' TM (FoxSeries)
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Heuchera 'White Spires'

Heuchera 'White Spires'
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Green ruffled foliage with pure white flowers in summer very striking when in flower. Neat habit.
Heuchera 'White Spires'
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Heuchera 'Wild Berry'

Heuchera 'Wild Berry'
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Beautiful large scalloped, glossy purple-pink foliage with deeper veining, bearing dark stems with rose-pink buds turning to white flowers.
Neat habit and easy to grow.
Heuchera 'Wild Berry'
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Heuchera 'Wild Rose'

Heuchera 'Wild Rose'
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Stunning rose-purple foliage which really stands out in a crowd!
Deep purple veining.
Good tidy habit.
Heuchera 'Wild Rose'
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Heuchera 'William How'

Heuchera 'William How'
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As seen at Malvern Spring Flower Show on our display 2012 Many bright shocking-pink flowers over small light green.
Very attractive once seen never forgotten.
Heuchera 'William How'
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Heuchera 'Windsor Sunny Trio'

Heuchera 'Windsor Sunny Trio'
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1 x Heuchera 'Maramalde'
1 x Heuchera 'Cranberry
1 x Heuchera 'Mulberry'
Great for pollinators
Heuchera 'Windsor Sunny Trio'
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Heuchera 'Winter Joy'

Heuchera 'Winter Joy'
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Vibrant strong, bright yellow foliage.
A good compact habit and a strong constitution!
Small white flowers, loved by the bees. Easy to grow.
UK Bred.
Heuchera 'Winter Joy'
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Heuchera 'Zabeliana'

Heuchera 'Zabeliana'
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Large greenish-yellow flowers. Foliage heavily marbled orange-brown-red in Spring turning green as season matures.
Heuchera 'Zabeliana'
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Heuchera 'Zipper'

Heuchera 'Zipper'
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Seriously ruffled foliage, changing from orange in Spring throught to golden amber.
Magenta on back of the foliage due to the extreme ruffles is always on show.
Really brightly coloured for most of the year.
Please note ... This variety is small and slow growing, it is great colour especially in sun.
Heuchera 'Zipper'
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Heuchera - pubescens

Heuchera - pubescens
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Greenish white flowers with purple markings, over bronze young leaves which get good colour in Autumn. A native of central-eastern USA. Also known as the Downy Alumroot. 'Alum Root' being Heucheras common name along with 'Coral Bells'. Flowering Spring- Summer
Heuchera - pubescens
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Heuchera americana 'Harry Hay'

Heuchera americana 'Harry Hay'
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Very large, chocolate, glossy, palmated leaves with fabulous tall stems and large creamy -white pearl like flowers, in profussion. A real statment plant
Heuchera americana 'Harry Hay'
Our Price £10.00
(11 reviews)  
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Heuchera brizoides 'Alba'

Heuchera brizoides 'Alba'
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Small deep green rounded leaves with tall stems of large purevwhite flowers in profussion.
Heuchera brizoides 'Alba'
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Heuchera brizoides 'Coral Cloud'

Heuchera brizoides 'Coral Cloud'
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Many small bright coral-pink flowers on large wide panicles over neat apple-green foliage. Bred by Alan Bloom in 1932 Flowering - Spring - Summer
Heuchera brizoides 'Coral Cloud'
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Heuchera brizoides 'Damask'

Heuchera brizoides 'Damask'
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Beautiful elegant, large, rounded cream flowers on tall stately stems, which have a romantic haze due to the tiny hairs up their pink stems. Large glossy, emerald green foliage, with light green marbling. Fabulous plant if you are looking for something different. Flowering Spring - Summer
Rare & unusual. Heritage plant from the National Collection.
Heuchera brizoides 'Damask'
Our Price £15.00
(13 reviews)  
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Heuchera brizoides 'Firebird'

Heuchera brizoides 'Firebird'
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Lots of intense deep red flowers over lovely compact neat green foliage. Bred by A Bloom in 1950 Flowering Spring - Summer
Heuchera brizoides 'Firebird'
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Heuchera brizoides 'Mother of Pearl'

Heuchera brizoides 'Mother of Pearl'
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Rare and unusual. Pretty green and pink flowers over dark green leaves. Flowering Spring and Summer. Heritage Heuchera from the National Collection.
Heuchera brizoides 'Mother of Pearl'
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Heuchera brizoides 'Orphee'

Heuchera brizoides 'Orphee'
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Pretty pale pink pearl-like of flowers with darker pink tinges on reverse of petals, over mid-green leaves. Very pretty. Flowering Spring- Summer
Heuchera brizoides 'Orphee'
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Heuchera brizoides 'Pluie de feu Brizoides'

Heuchera brizoides 'Pluie de feu Brizoides'
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Neat dark green compact foliage with red flowers.
Heuchera brizoides 'Pluie de feu Brizoides'
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Heuchera brizoides 'Pretty Polly'

Heuchera brizoides 'Pretty Polly'
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Beautiful pearl like, clear rose-pink flowers over pretty green foliage. Dwarf habit Flowering for long periods. Bred by Adrian Bloom 1950. Flowering Spring - Autumn
Heuchera brizoides 'Pretty Polly'
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Heuchera brizoides Charles Bloom ('Chablo')

Heuchera brizoides Charles Bloom ('Chablo')
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Soft pink arching sprays of flowers over green leaves. Pretty. Bred by Alan Bloom, Named after Adrian Blooms grandfather (Charles Bloom). Flowering Early Summer.
Heuchera brizoides Charles Bloom ('Chablo')
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Heuchera cylindrica 'Green Ivory' - Select

Heuchera cylindrica 'Green Ivory' - Select
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Selected for its neat habit constant leave colour and strong flowers. 'Select' on our website means - Not grown from seed its done from cuttings everytime, so its always going to be the same!
Beautiful fragrant green ivory flowers over velvet light green foliage. A flower arrangers dream.
Good neat habit.
Bred by A. Bloom in 1968.
Heuchera cylindrica 'Green Ivory' - Select
Our Price £15.00
(11 reviews)  
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Heuchera cylindrica 'Hyperion'

Heuchera cylindrica 'Hyperion'
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Very free flowering with soft rosey-red flowers on short stems with a hint of green in centre over marbled green foliage. Neat and compact habit. Bred by A Bloom in 1959. Flowering Spring - Summer
Heuchera cylindrica 'Hyperion'
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Heuchera cylindrica x brizoides 'Coral Bouquet'

Heuchera cylindrica x brizoides 'Coral Bouquet'
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Beautiful large pretty pink flowers in profusion over green leaves with silver ,markings with a yellow edging at certain times of the year. Bred by Chrales Oliver 1997
Heuchera cylindrica x brizoides 'Coral Bouquet'
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Heuchera Heuros' or 'Rosemary Bloom'

Heuchera Heuros' or 'Rosemary Bloom'
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Bright coral pink flowers over neat bright green foliage. Good as a cut flower. Bred by Alan Bloom named after Adrian Blooms wife. Flowering - June - August
Heuchera Heuros' or 'Rosemary Bloom'
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Heuchera Metallica' - Select

Heuchera Metallica' - Select
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Marbled, veined bronze foliage with metallic sheen with light pink to white flowers. 'Select' means Metallica can normally vary from plant to plant as normally they are seed raised and can be random.Ours are propagated from the National Collection stock.
Heuchera Metallica' - Select
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Heuchera micrantha x americana 'Chocolate Veil'

Heuchera micrantha x americana 'Chocolate Veil'
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Almost black (like dark chocolate) smooth leaves with purple highlights with pink-cream flowers on tall stems. Bred by Dan Heims Flowering - Spring - Summer
Heuchera micrantha x americana 'Chocolate Veil'
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Heuchera pubescens 'White Marble'

Heuchera pubescens 'White Marble'
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Many huge white double flowers over gren, silver marbled leaves. One of my favourites. Dought tolerante. Bred by Charles Oliver. Flowering Summer
Heuchera pubescens 'White Marble'
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Heuchera Rare National Collection Trio No 1

Heuchera Rare National Collection Trio No 1
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A trio of rare and unusual Heucheras from the National Collection
Old varieties some from the original Mary Ramsdale National Collection, which we now hold.
These will be of our choice.
Collections may be various coloured flowers.
The image is taken of the National Collection (colours may vary from trio to trio)
All labelled
Heuchera Rare National Collection Trio No 1
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