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Tiarella 'Raspberry' Sundae' TM (Fox Series)

Tiarella 'Raspberry' Sundae' TM (Fox Series)
- +
RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
Pretty star shaped foliage on dark stems with deep raspberry buds opening to star shaped flowers of pale white-pink.
Very neat and compact habit.
Easy to grow.
Loved by the bees.
Bred by Richard and I (plantagogo)
Tiarella 'Raspberry' Sundae' TM (Fox Series)
Our Price £8.00
(15 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Paris'

Heuchera 'Paris'
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Silver veiling over green leaves, that have continuous columns of large deep rose-pink flowers from April to November.
Heuchera 'Paris'
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Heuchera 'Forever Purple' PBR

Heuchera 'Forever Purple' PBR
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Amazing ultra-purple foliage with fluted edges. Flowers in summer of purple-pink on short stems
Great colour all year round. Vigorous multi crowned habit.
Heuchera 'Forever Purple' PBR
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Heuchera 'Thomas' TM (Fox series)

Heuchera 'Thomas' TM (Fox series)
- +
RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
Foliage Green with red veining and silver veil which gets more pronounced as the season goes on.
Magnificent cylindrica flower spikes, tall and elegant with flowers that are unusually large (the largest flower on a Heuchera we have ever seen)
Flower stems are over 60cm. Great for cutting too.
When not in flower makes good ground cover.
Easy to grow and great for pollinators.
Bred by Vicky & Richard Fox
Heuchera 'Thomas' TM (Fox series)
Our Price £8.00
(13 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Lime Marmalade'

Heuchera 'Lime Marmalade'
- +
Very frilly dense lime-green foliage, with white flowers on tall stems.
Neat habit. Easy to grow.
Heuchera 'Lime Marmalade'
Our Price £8.00
(13 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Lipstick'

Heuchera 'Lipstick'
- +
Mounds of silver-veiled green leaves give rise to masses of lipstick red flowers. The re-blooming red flowers are reminiscent of the old fashioned Heuchera we all knew as children in Grandmas garden.
Heuchera 'Lipstick'
Our Price £8.00
(11 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Sugar Plum'

Heuchera 'Sugar Plum'
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Wonderful frosty plum leaves with pink-white flowers in May to September.
Easy to grow.
Heuchera 'Sugar Plum'
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Heucherella 'Catching Fire' PBR

Heucherella 'Catching Fire' PBR
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Vibrant lime-green leaves with cherry-fire-red centers that darken to burgundy in Summer
Vigorous variety that's a real eye catcher for a shady spot

Heucherella 'Catching Fire' PBR
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Tiarella 'Pink Sky Rocket'

Tiarella 'Pink Sky Rocket'
- +
RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
Tall neat heads of starry white flowers open from pink buds, over elegant palmate evergreen foliage which has a darker bar in the center of the rich green leaf.
Very pretty and flowers really well.
Bred by Terra Nova Nurseries.
Tiarella 'Pink Sky Rocket'
Our Price £8.00
(13 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Black Pearl' PBR

Heuchera 'Black Pearl' PBR
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Stunning jet-black shiny foliage with scalloped, ruffled edges and rosy-purple undersides.
Unusual as it keeps its deep colour in shade or full sun.

Heuchera 'Black Pearl' PBR
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Heuchera 'Guacamole'

Heuchera 'Guacamole'
- +
Fabulous Heuchera of giant proportions!
Huge Chartreuse leaves with tall arching flowers stems carrying beautiful white flowers
Heuchera 'Guacamole'
Our Price £8.00
(12 reviews)  
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Heucherella 'Redstone Falls'

Heucherella 'Redstone Falls'
- +
Beautiful Coppery-red foliage with white flowers. Great trailing habit. Perfect for ground cover or hanging baskets and containers.
*Hanging basket not included* just there to show how plants can look in a basket, when fully grown, for a quicker result just add 2 or 3 plants to each basket.
Heucherella 'Redstone Falls'
Our Price £8.00
(11 reviews)  
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Tiarella 'Spring Symphony'

Tiarella 'Spring Symphony'
- +
RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
Very pretty compact plant with a profusion of frothy white flushed pink flowers over neat green leaves painted black along the mid-rib.
Bred by Terra Nova Nurseries USA .
Tiarella 'Spring Symphony'
Our Price £8.00
(10 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Timeless Night'

Heuchera 'Timeless Night'
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Striking rich glossy, black foliage with contrasting clear pink flowers.
Flowers Spring summer & autumn.
Heuchera 'Timeless Night'
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Heuchera 'Cranberry' Indian Summer Series

Heuchera 'Cranberry' Indian Summer Series
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Stunning red semi ruffled foliage with lovely wands of pink flowers
Neat habit
Very attractive to bees.
Heuchera 'Cranberry' Indian Summer Series
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(14 reviews)  
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Slow Release Feed

Slow Release Feed
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Slow release fertiliser, osmacote plus 8-9 months. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon around each plant and lightly fork into the soil.
1 application lasts all year.
Slow Release Feed
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Heuchera 'Wild Berry'

Heuchera 'Wild Berry'
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Beautiful large scalloped, glossy purple-pink foliage with deeper veining, bearing dark stems with rose-pink buds turning to white flowers.
Neat habit and easy to grow.
Heuchera 'Wild Berry'
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(15 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Paprika'

Heuchera 'Paprika'
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Fabulous large bright orange leave with a rose tint in spring. In summer changing to bright orange with a white veil, and in the autumn it keeps its veiling but deepens to burgundy. Flowers white. Flowering Spring Bred by Janet Egger
PLEASE NOTE This variety can take a while to bulk up and is not a bushy variety until its a few years old. DO NOT OVER WATER. It can Take full sun but in extremely hot weather it can burn!
Heuchera 'Paprika'
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Heuchera 'Sweet Tart'

Heuchera 'Sweet Tart'
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'The Little Cutie' Series - Heuchera in miniature zesty lemon-lime green foliage with pretty bi-colour flowers of cerise and pale pink on short dark stems, only 20 cm high!
Easy to grow , loves a shady place.
Bred by Janet Egger.
Heuchera 'Sweet Tart'
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(12 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Fire Alarm'

Heuchera 'Fire Alarm'
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One of the reddest Heuchera, with large glossy leaves which are red all Spring, Summer and Autumn, with neat white flowers with a pink tinge.
Very neat habit.
NB Doesn't like winter wet.
Bred by Janet Egger.
Heuchera 'Fire Alarm'
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Heuchera 'Alfie' TM (Fox Series)

Heuchera 'Alfie' TM (Fox Series)
- +
Rich chocolate foliage, slightly ruffled.
Strong upright dark stems with white flowers, fading to green & pink tones.
Heuchera 'Alfie' TM (Fox Series)
Our Price £8.00
(0 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Chantilly' villosa

Heuchera 'Chantilly' villosa
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Beautiful large velvet green leaves with massive flower spikes of cream bells.
Loved by bees.
Easy to grow.
A large villosa variety.
Heuchera 'Chantilly' villosa
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(14 reviews)  
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Tiarella 'Angel Wings' TM (Fox Series)PBR

Tiarella 'Angel Wings' TM (Fox Series)PBR
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RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
Fabulous little Tiarella with dissected foliage creating the impression of wings, over the top of the leaf. Well Marked with maroon.
Pretty little deep pink buds open to pale pink stars creating many wands of foamy flowers.
Loved by bees, great pollinating plants.
RHS plant of the year finalist.
Tiarella 'Angel Wings' TM (Fox Series)PBR
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(15 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Champagne'

Heuchera 'Champagne'
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Great variety, foliage changes from peach to to champagne-gold with a strong white veil.
Flowering on maroon stems with light peach flowers.
Bred by Janet Egger
Heuchera 'Champagne'
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Heucherella 'Sweet Tea'

Heucherella 'Sweet Tea'
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Beautiful big palmate cut leaves with cinnamon centres surrounded by orange coloured border deepening in Summer and lighten up again in the Autumn. White starry flowers. Bred by Janet Egger
Heucherella 'Sweet Tea'
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(14 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Glitter'

Heuchera 'Glitter'
- +
RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
'Glitter' grown for its flower power. Masses of fabulous pink flowers.
Beautiful silver leaves with almost black veining.
Easy to grow.
Loved by bees.
Bred by Janet Egger
Heuchera 'Glitter'
Our Price £8.00
(15 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Tokyo'

Heuchera 'Tokyo'
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Many beautiful red flowers on short stems over bright fresh green foliage.
Very attractive
Loved by pollinators
Bred by Janet Egger
Heuchera 'Tokyo'
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Heuchera 'Midnight Rose'

Heuchera 'Midnight Rose'
- +
Really unusual pretty pink polka dots cover the shiny plum foliage in Spring.
Neat habit.
Easy to grow.
Loved by bees.
Heuchera 'Midnight Rose'
Our Price £8.00
(10 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Red Lightening'

Heuchera 'Red Lightening'
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Electrifying dark red veins, over huge gold leaves.
Bred By Janet Egger
Heuchera 'Red Lightening'
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Heucherella 'Solar Power'

Heucherella 'Solar Power'
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Beautiful deep red splashed, lobed leaves of yellow-gold to lime-green form a spreading mound of colour.
Very showy especially in a shady place.
Easy to grow. Cascading habit. Bred by Janet Egger
Heucherella 'Solar Power'
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(12 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Zipper'

Heuchera 'Zipper'
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Seriously ruffled foliage, changing from orange in Spring throught to golden amber.
Magenta on back of the foliage due to the extreme ruffles is always on show.
Really brightly coloured for most of the year.
Please note ... This variety is small and slow growing, it is great colour especially in sun.
Heuchera 'Zipper'
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Heuchera 'Citronelle'

Heuchera 'Citronelle'
- +

Stunning bright lime, yellow-green foliage with cream flowers. Really strong grower for this colour, striking along side dark Heuchera. This plant must have shade. Bred by Thierry Delabroye.

Heuchera 'Citronelle'
Our Price £8.00
(13 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Forever Red' PBR

Heuchera 'Forever Red' PBR
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Beautiful red ruffled foliage with pale pink flowers in late summer.
Neat habit.
Easy to grow
One of the better red varieties in our opinion.
Heuchera 'Forever Red' PBR
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(14 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Walnut' TM (FoxSeries)

Heuchera 'Walnut' TM (FoxSeries)
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RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
Fabulous giant chocolate leaves which change colour to a burnt orange-brown in summer if in full sun. They seem to have a satin sheen during the summer months. Huge flowers stems carring many pearly pinky-white bells, all down the stem, A bees delight Very large, with neat mounding foliage. Bred by Vicky & Richard Fox Plantagogo
Heuchera 'Walnut' TM (FoxSeries)
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Heuchera 'Wild Rose'

Heuchera 'Wild Rose'
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Stunning rose-purple foliage which really stands out in a crowd!
Deep purple veining.
Good tidy habit.
Heuchera 'Wild Rose'
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(10 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Fleur' ( Fox Series)

Heuchera 'Fleur' ( Fox Series)
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Beautiful small Heuchera that flowers it's head off!
Tangerine-burnt orange foliage
Masses of pale pink-white flowers.
Loved by the bees.
Bred by Plantagogo
Heuchera 'Fleur' ( Fox Series)
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(12 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Orangeberry'

Heuchera 'Orangeberry'
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Beautiful brunt-orange foliage with lots of ruffling along the edges.
Pretty cream flowers
Neat plant
Easy to grow.
Heuchera 'Orangeberry'
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(15 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Chocolate Limes'

Heuchera 'Chocolate Limes'
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Beautiful deep chocolate foliage in the center with a bright green edging in spring and early summer, fading to green in the as the year matures, then coming back again in winter.
Very unusal!
Heuchera 'Chocolate Limes'
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Heuchera 'Cherry Cola'

Heuchera 'Cherry Cola'
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Lovely rich red foliage with fabulous cherry-red flowers.

Heuchera 'Cherry Cola'
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Heuchera 'Rio'

Heuchera 'Rio'
- +
One of the 'City Series' of Heuchera grown for their great flowers as well as their foliage.
Leaves change to peach-orange, then deepens to a rich red, finally amber. Short white flower spikes with red stems.
Bred by Janet Egger 2012
Heuchera 'Rio'
Our Price £8.00
(12 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Silver Gum Drop' PBR

Heuchera 'Silver Gum Drop' PBR
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Stunning steely-silver semi-glossy foliage with vibrant pink flowers
Later in the season the foliage takes on a rosy blush overtone.

Heuchera 'Silver Gum Drop' PBR
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Heuchera 'Berry Smoothie'

Heuchera 'Berry Smoothie'
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Large leaves of rose-pink in spring deepening to purple-rose later in the season. The foliage can change colour due to maturity, seasons, and position. Creamy white flowers. Bred by Janet Egger introduced 2010.
Heuchera 'Berry Smoothie'
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(11 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Boysenberry' Indian Summer Series

Heuchera 'Boysenberry' Indian Summer Series
- +

Beautiful large mahogany-red ruffled smooth foliage, slight sheen, with white flowers.

Heuchera 'Boysenberry' Indian Summer Series
Our Price £8.00
(15 reviews)  
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Tiarella 'Emerald Ellie' TM (Fox Series)

Tiarella 'Emerald Ellie' TM (Fox Series)
- +
wonderfully attractive large emerald green fingers with inky black markings. Large starry white flowers.
We think one of the best Tiarella forms available at the moment. Flowers so well too and foliage nearly always very showy.
Easy to grow.
Loved by bees and pollinators
Bred by us
Tiarella 'Emerald Ellie' TM (Fox Series)
Our Price £8.00
(10 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Delta Dawn'

Heuchera 'Delta Dawn'
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Large round lime-gold foliage, with red center in Spring & Autumn.
In Summer changes to red veined leaves over lime-gold foliage. White flowers. Strong vigorous habit once established. Launched in 2011
Heuchera 'Delta Dawn'
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Heuchera 'Blackberry Jam'

Heuchera 'Blackberry Jam'
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Wonderful richly coloured foliage of blackberry with ebony veins and silver sheen. White flowers.
Heuchera 'Blackberry Jam'
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Heuchera 'Peachberry Ice'

Heuchera 'Peachberry Ice'
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Beautiful apricot, ruffled foliage with a silver overlay, ruffling of the foliage shows the bright pink underside of the leaves.
In spring it is very bright with orange tones mellowing to apricot by summer.
Cream Flowers on burgundy stems.
Easy to grow.
Loved by bees and pollinators.

Heuchera 'Peachberry Ice'
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(12 reviews)  
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Heucherella 'Yellowstone Falls'

Heucherella 'Yellowstone Falls'
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RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
Another fabulous trailing heucherella with large chartreuse lobed leaves with a deep red center, that trail and tumble over baskets and containers. Trailers of up to 60cm
Makes an amazing hanging basket.
Bred by Janet Egger
Heucherella 'Yellowstone Falls'
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