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Heuchera 'Gloire d'Oleans'
Beautiful true pink flowers over green marbled foliage. Neat habit. Very attractive to bees.
Beautiful true pink flowers over green marbled foliage. Neat habit. Very attractive to bees.
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Heuchera 'Greenfinch'
Cylindrica Greenfinch has beautiful tall spires with green bell shape buds that open wide to green flowers in bud they have an 'ear of corn' appearance. foliage is rounded, mid green, sometimes with a silver veil. Foliage and flowers can be variable from plant to plant this is normal. NB Greenfinch Select (in the photo) is taken from the actual Greenfinch in the Nataional Collection and is more expensive as it is slower to propagate. (see next plant to purchase G.F Select).
Cylindrica Greenfinch has beautiful tall spires with green bell shape buds that open wide to green flowers in bud they have an 'ear of corn' appearance. foliage is rounded, mid green, sometimes with a silver veil. Foliage and flowers can be variable from plant to plant this is normal. NB Greenfinch Select (in the photo) is taken from the actual Greenfinch in the Nataional Collection and is more expensive as it is slower to propagate. (see next plant to purchase G.F Select).
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Heuchera 'Guardian Angel'
Lovely medium rounded leaves of smokey-purple, tinged pink on new growth. With pretty white flowers in Summer
Lovely medium rounded leaves of smokey-purple, tinged pink on new growth. With pretty white flowers in Summer
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Heuchera 'Havana'
One of the 'City Series' of Heuchera grown for their great flowers as well as their foliage. Fantastic large cerise-pink flowers on compact stems, cover its compact swirling yellow-lime leaves with white veiling. A real eye catcher in a shady spot, Havana must have shade. Great for flower arrangers.
N.B. In UK not quite as tough as some of the newer varieties such as Heuchera Caroline.
Bred by Janet Egger introduced in 2010.
One of the 'City Series' of Heuchera grown for their great flowers as well as their foliage. Fantastic large cerise-pink flowers on compact stems, cover its compact swirling yellow-lime leaves with white veiling. A real eye catcher in a shady spot, Havana must have shade. Great for flower arrangers.
N.B. In UK not quite as tough as some of the newer varieties such as Heuchera Caroline.
Bred by Janet Egger introduced in 2010.
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Heuchera 'Magic Wand'
Neat green foliage of soft green. Pretty pink flowers clustered at the top of tall stems Which bees adore.
Neat green foliage of soft green. Pretty pink flowers clustered at the top of tall stems Which bees adore.
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Heuchera 'Mars'
Pretty ruffled silver foliage, darker veins, with a pinkish bush. Ivory flowers, living up to its name in Summer as it turns red if grown in full sun.
Pretty ruffled silver foliage, darker veins, with a pinkish bush. Ivory flowers, living up to its name in Summer as it turns red if grown in full sun.
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Heuchera 'Maureen Iddon'
Beautiful tall slender stems with buds like ears of corn, erupting over low green rounded foliage with a silver cast. Flowers open dusky pink, changing to pink-red as they age. Loved by bees. An old variety loved by gardeners and designers alike.
Beautiful tall slender stems with buds like ears of corn, erupting over low green rounded foliage with a silver cast. Flowers open dusky pink, changing to pink-red as they age. Loved by bees. An old variety loved by gardeners and designers alike.
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Heuchera 'Mocha'
Massive dark chocolate brown foliage with masses of creamy white frothy flowers. The foliage colour will change through the seasons sometimes lighter than the picture.
Massive dark chocolate brown foliage with masses of creamy white frothy flowers. The foliage colour will change through the seasons sometimes lighter than the picture.
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Heuchera 'Mysteria'
Lovely silvered ruffled foliage make the perfect backing for the free-flowering spikes of coral pink flowers. Flowering May to September. Bred by Janet Egger.
Lovely silvered ruffled foliage make the perfect backing for the free-flowering spikes of coral pink flowers. Flowering May to September. Bred by Janet Egger.
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Heuchera 'Mystic Angel'
Large handsome green leaves washed silver with contrasting dark veins all set off with a green border. Floating spires of white flowers. Neat Habit. Bred by Dan Heims.
Large handsome green leaves washed silver with contrasting dark veins all set off with a green border. Floating spires of white flowers. Neat Habit. Bred by Dan Heims.
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Heuchera 'Petite marbled burgundy'
Very pretty, bronze-red foliage with strong silver markings bearing light pink-white flowers on 12 "stems Heucheras in minature. Bred by Charles Oliver introduced in 1997
Very pretty, bronze-red foliage with strong silver markings bearing light pink-white flowers on 12 "stems Heucheras in minature. Bred by Charles Oliver introduced in 1997
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Heuchera 'Petite Pink Bouquet'
Small Heuchera with little bright green leaves very neat with very pretty pink flowers. Heuchera in miniature.
Small Heuchera with little bright green leaves very neat with very pretty pink flowers. Heuchera in miniature.
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Heuchera 'Raspberry Regal'
A heritage variety and rarely available anywhere these days
Beautiful semi-glossy green foliage with wands of large belled pink flowers on tall stems.
A heritage variety and rarely available anywhere these days
Beautiful semi-glossy green foliage with wands of large belled pink flowers on tall stems.
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Heuchera 'Redstart'
Green Silver foliage topped with beautiful tall cylindrica flowers of a pinky-red in summer.
This is an old variety that we have brought back for people to buy from our National Collection.
Green Silver foliage topped with beautiful tall cylindrica flowers of a pinky-red in summer.
This is an old variety that we have brought back for people to buy from our National Collection.
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Heuchera 'Regina'
Beautiful, purple leaves with masses of pink flowers.
Easy to grow.
Loved by the bees.
Bred by Charles Oliver introduced in 1997
Beautiful, purple leaves with masses of pink flowers.
Easy to grow.
Loved by the bees.
Bred by Charles Oliver introduced in 1997
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Heuchera 'Rickard'
Unusual wand like flowers with burnt-red out petals, tiny inner petals of white and the stamens show up well too due to the cream centre. Very pretty Flowering Summer
Unusual wand like flowers with burnt-red out petals, tiny inner petals of white and the stamens show up well too due to the cream centre. Very pretty Flowering Summer
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Heuchera 'Ruffles' micrantha x
Woolley green leaves with pretty ruffled edges, forming attractive mounds with small white flowers on tall stems. Introduced by Dan Heims
Woolley green leaves with pretty ruffled edges, forming attractive mounds with small white flowers on tall stems. Introduced by Dan Heims
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Heuchera 'Saturn'
Very rounded leaves with dark veining over pewter background and narrow reddish edging. Pretty white flowers tinged with pink.
Very rounded leaves with dark veining over pewter background and narrow reddish edging. Pretty white flowers tinged with pink.
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Heuchera 'Sneewitchen'
Beautiful panicles of large white bells on tall elegant stems, over lobed neat rounded glossy green leaves.
Easy to grow.
Loved by the bees.
Beautiful panicles of large white bells on tall elegant stems, over lobed neat rounded glossy green leaves.
Easy to grow.
Loved by the bees.
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Heuchera 'Snowfire'
Fabulous variegated foliage of cream and green all year round, with stunning many bright pink large flowers. Bred by Terra Nova Nurseries.
Fabulous variegated foliage of cream and green all year round, with stunning many bright pink large flowers. Bred by Terra Nova Nurseries.
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Heuchera 'Steel City'
Large wonderful foliage and pretty flowers A steely bronze metallic casting covers the large, strong, and slightly textured foliage, the underside is dark red-purple, with beautiful contrasting pretty pink flowers. Bred by Charles Oliver.
Large wonderful foliage and pretty flowers A steely bronze metallic casting covers the large, strong, and slightly textured foliage, the underside is dark red-purple, with beautiful contrasting pretty pink flowers. Bred by Charles Oliver.
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Heuchera 'Strawberry Swirl '
Green leaves laced with silver. Pretty pink flowers in Summer that have a fruity fragrance.
Bred by Dan Heims introduced in 1995
Green leaves laced with silver. Pretty pink flowers in Summer that have a fruity fragrance.
Bred by Dan Heims introduced in 1995
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Heuchera 'Swirling Fantasy'
Pewter red foliage with dark red veins and stunning red flowers. The first to have red leaves and red flowers.
Pewter red foliage with dark red veins and stunning red flowers. The first to have red leaves and red flowers.
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Heuchera 'Titania'
Lovely rare old variety
Tall pink flowers over green foliage
Lovely rare old variety
Tall pink flowers over green foliage
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Heuchera 'Twinkle' TM (Fox Series)
Rounded green leaves and masses of pretty small white flowers with pure white stamens twinkling from the pearly flower.
Rounded green leaves and masses of pretty small white flowers with pure white stamens twinkling from the pearly flower.
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Heuchera 'White Spires'
Green ruffled foliage with pure white flowers in summer very striking when in flower. Neat habit.
Green ruffled foliage with pure white flowers in summer very striking when in flower. Neat habit.
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Heuchera - pubescens
Greenish white flowers with purple markings, over bronze young leaves which get good colour in Autumn. A native of central-eastern USA. Also known as the Downy Alumroot. 'Alum Root' being Heucheras common name along with 'Coral Bells'. Flowering Spring- Summer
Greenish white flowers with purple markings, over bronze young leaves which get good colour in Autumn. A native of central-eastern USA. Also known as the Downy Alumroot. 'Alum Root' being Heucheras common name along with 'Coral Bells'. Flowering Spring- Summer
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Heuchera americana 'Harry Hay'
Very large, chocolate, glossy, palmated leaves with fabulous tall stems and large creamy -white pearl like flowers, in profussion. A real statment plant
Very large, chocolate, glossy, palmated leaves with fabulous tall stems and large creamy -white pearl like flowers, in profussion. A real statment plant
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Heuchera brizoides 'Alba'
Small deep green rounded leaves with tall stems of large purevwhite flowers in profussion.
Small deep green rounded leaves with tall stems of large purevwhite flowers in profussion.
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Heuchera brizoides 'Coral Cloud'
Many small bright coral-pink flowers on large wide panicles over neat apple-green foliage. Bred by Alan Bloom in 1932 Flowering - Spring - Summer
Many small bright coral-pink flowers on large wide panicles over neat apple-green foliage. Bred by Alan Bloom in 1932 Flowering - Spring - Summer
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Heuchera brizoides 'Firebird'
Lots of intense deep red flowers over lovely compact neat green foliage. Bred by A Bloom in 1950 Flowering Spring - Summer
Lots of intense deep red flowers over lovely compact neat green foliage. Bred by A Bloom in 1950 Flowering Spring - Summer
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Heuchera brizoides 'Mother of Pearl'
Rare and unusual. Pretty green and pink flowers over dark green leaves. Flowering Spring and Summer. Heritage Heuchera from the National Collection.
Rare and unusual. Pretty green and pink flowers over dark green leaves. Flowering Spring and Summer. Heritage Heuchera from the National Collection.
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Heuchera brizoides Charles Bloom ('Chablo')
Soft pink arching sprays of flowers over green leaves. Pretty. Bred by Alan Bloom, Named after Adrian Blooms grandfather (Charles Bloom). Flowering Early Summer.
Soft pink arching sprays of flowers over green leaves. Pretty. Bred by Alan Bloom, Named after Adrian Blooms grandfather (Charles Bloom). Flowering Early Summer.
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Heuchera cylindrica 'Hyperion'
Very free flowering with soft rosey-red flowers on short stems with a hint of green in centre over marbled green foliage. Neat and compact habit. Bred by A Bloom in 1959. Flowering Spring - Summer
Very free flowering with soft rosey-red flowers on short stems with a hint of green in centre over marbled green foliage. Neat and compact habit. Bred by A Bloom in 1959. Flowering Spring - Summer
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Heuchera cylindrica x brizoides 'Coral Bouquet'
Beautiful large pretty pink flowers in profusion over green leaves with silver ,markings with a yellow edging at certain times of the year. Bred by Chrales Oliver 1997
Beautiful large pretty pink flowers in profusion over green leaves with silver ,markings with a yellow edging at certain times of the year. Bred by Chrales Oliver 1997
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Heuchera Heuros' or 'Rosemary Bloom'
Bright coral pink flowers over neat bright green foliage. Good as a cut flower. Bred by Alan Bloom named after Adrian Blooms wife. Flowering - June - August
Bright coral pink flowers over neat bright green foliage. Good as a cut flower. Bred by Alan Bloom named after Adrian Blooms wife. Flowering - June - August
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Heuchera Metallica' - Select
Marbled, veined bronze foliage with metallic sheen with light pink to white flowers. 'Select' means Metallica can normally vary from plant to plant as normally they are seed raised and can be random.Ours are propagated from the National Collection stock.
Marbled, veined bronze foliage with metallic sheen with light pink to white flowers. 'Select' means Metallica can normally vary from plant to plant as normally they are seed raised and can be random.Ours are propagated from the National Collection stock.
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Heuchera micrantha x americana 'Chocolate Veil'
Almost black (like dark chocolate) smooth leaves with purple highlights with pink-cream flowers on tall stems. Bred by Dan Heims Flowering - Spring - Summer
Almost black (like dark chocolate) smooth leaves with purple highlights with pink-cream flowers on tall stems. Bred by Dan Heims Flowering - Spring - Summer
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Heuchera pubescens 'White Marble'
Many huge white double flowers over gren, silver marbled leaves. One of my favourites. Dought tolerante. Bred by Charles Oliver. Flowering Summer
Many huge white double flowers over gren, silver marbled leaves. One of my favourites. Dought tolerante. Bred by Charles Oliver. Flowering Summer
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Heuchera sanguinea 'Chatterbox'
Pretty Rose-pink flowers over mid green foliage. Makes a neat compact plant. Flowering Spring - Summer
Pretty Rose-pink flowers over mid green foliage. Makes a neat compact plant. Flowering Spring - Summer
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Heuchera sanguinea 'Ruby Bells' Select
Many fragrant intense blood-red flowers over green foliage. We sell 'select' and this mean ours are not seed raised which tend to vary alot from plant to plant. We grow from cuttings so keep the perfume and colour that the mother plant has. Takes a little longer to produce numbers and grow but we think its worth it.
Many fragrant intense blood-red flowers over green foliage. We sell 'select' and this mean ours are not seed raised which tend to vary alot from plant to plant. We grow from cuttings so keep the perfume and colour that the mother plant has. Takes a little longer to produce numbers and grow but we think its worth it.
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Heuchera sanguinea 'Snow Angel'
Variegated foliage with creamy white flecks on green foliage with beautiful tall bright red flowers.
Variegated foliage with creamy white flecks on green foliage with beautiful tall bright red flowers.
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Heuchera sanguinea - 'Carmen'
Intense carmine-red flowers over dark green foliage. Bred by A Bloom in 1950
Intense carmine-red flowers over dark green foliage. Bred by A Bloom in 1950
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Heuchera Species - cylindrica -
Heart shaped green leaves with wavy edges forming deep green matts. Wonderful cream or green flowers on tall spikes, shaped like 'ears of corn' A native of Nevada, Wyoming and Montana, west to California and British Columbia. Naturally found on rocks and cliffs. Needs well drained soil. Flowering Spring - Summer
Heart shaped green leaves with wavy edges forming deep green matts. Wonderful cream or green flowers on tall spikes, shaped like 'ears of corn' A native of Nevada, Wyoming and Montana, west to California and British Columbia. Naturally found on rocks and cliffs. Needs well drained soil. Flowering Spring - Summer
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Heuchera Species - glabra
White flowers over rounded heart shaped lobed leaves that change colour in the Autumn. Low growing and good for ground cover. A native of Oregon to Alsaka. An Alpine heuchera. Must be kept well drained Flowering - Early Summer
White flowers over rounded heart shaped lobed leaves that change colour in the Autumn. Low growing and good for ground cover. A native of Oregon to Alsaka. An Alpine heuchera. Must be kept well drained Flowering - Early Summer
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Heucherella 'Fan Dancer'
Fabulous large maple shaped foliage with red markings and silver veil very attractive. Great for flower arranging.
Large arching stems of pure white tiny star shaped flowers.
Fabulous large maple shaped foliage with red markings and silver veil very attractive. Great for flower arranging.
Large arching stems of pure white tiny star shaped flowers.
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Heucherella 'Gunsmoke'
Lovely maple shaped leaves with purple-red tones on the new growth, turning silver with dark veins. White flowers. Bred by Janet Egger
Lovely maple shaped leaves with purple-red tones on the new growth, turning silver with dark veins. White flowers. Bred by Janet Egger
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Hosta 'Orange Marmalade'
Beautiful variegated foliage emerges each spring with a generous and distinctive golden-yellow splash, which has subtle orange overtones. Over the length of the summer, the colouring becomes less intense, becoming creamy white.
Beautiful variegated foliage emerges each spring with a generous and distinctive golden-yellow splash, which has subtle orange overtones. Over the length of the summer, the colouring becomes less intense, becoming creamy white.