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Flower Power Trio

Flower Power Trio
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A superb trio if it flowers you love! Great varieties for pretty flowers
Tiarella 'Starburst'
Heuchera 'Fleur'
Heuchera 'Chique'
Flower Power Trio
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Heuchera Striking Trio

Heuchera Striking Trio
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Three Fabulous heuchera that are a really striking combination for sun or part shade.
Heuchera 'Peach Flambe'
Heuchera 'Sugar Plum'
Heuchera 'Prince'
Heuchera Striking Trio
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Epimedium × youngianum 'Merlin'

Epimedium × youngianum 'Merlin'
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Very pretty dainty flowers in shades of pink, which nod over dense clumps of pointed foliage tinged with purple in Spring.
Easy to grow
Loved by bees

Epimedium × youngianum 'Merlin'
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Heuchera & Heucherella Halloween Treat Collection

Heuchera & Heucherella Halloween Treat Collection
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FREE Slow release feed with this fabulous money saving collection!
All can go in part shade, 3 for sun or part shade/ shade & 3 for sunny place or part shade
Halloween Treat Collection contains 1 of each of the varieties below
Heuchera Tokyo - Beautiful red flowers over lime green veined leaves,
Heuchera Tangerine Wave - Wavy orange foliage with lovely cream flower,
Heuchera Lime Marmalade - Ruffled lime green foliage with white flowers,
Heuchera Sugar Plum - Wonderful frosty plum leaves with beautiful white flowers,
Heuchera Gojiberry - Very ruffled orange folige a real stunner!
Heucherella Solar Eclipse - Beautiful scalloped wavy edges with dark center & lime green edging.

Heuchera & Heucherella Halloween Treat Collection
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Heuchera & Heucherella Hanging Basket/Container Collection No2

Heuchera & Heucherella Hanging Basket/Container Collection No2
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We are always getting asked which varieties look great in hanging baskets or container?
Well really most of them can go into them
Here is one of our combinations to make it easy for you!
Heucherella 'Yellowstone Falls' Great trailing variety with large yellow leaves and red center with pretty white flowers
Heucherella 'Solar Power' Great for cascading! deep center and a green edging something different!
Heuchera 'Wild Berry' Glowing light violet foliage
All Hardy easy to grow, evergreen great for pollinators
When you've finished with them in the baskets and containers tidy and plant elsewhere in the garden if you want to!
Heuchera & Heucherella Hanging Basket/Container Collection No2
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Heuchera 'Red Pearls'

Heuchera 'Red Pearls'
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Description coming soon
Bred By Thierry and Sandrine Delabroye
Heuchera 'Red Pearls'
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Primula auricula - allionii 'Warfdale Village'

Primula auricula - allionii 'Warfdale Village'
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Beautiful large flower heads of green/white, over foliage which has a heavily coated silvery meal very attractive.
Primula auricula - allionii 'Warfdale Village'
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Heuchera sanguinea - 'Corallion'

Heuchera sanguinea - 'Corallion'
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This was outstanding in its day when it was realeased. Very large coral-rose flowers on tall stately stems. Hasnt been offered for sale for many years, most thought this was lost forever. Bred by A Bloom 1932 Flowering Spring - Summer
Heuchera sanguinea - 'Corallion'
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'Heuchera & Heucherella Autumn Harlow Carr Trio'

'Heuchera & Heucherella Autumn Harlow Carr Trio'
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Autumn/Winter Colour
Heuchera 'Alfie' Full sun/Part Shade - white flowers
Heuchera 'Glitter' Full Sun/Part Shade - Bright pink flowers
Heucherella 'Fire Frost' Shade/Part Shade - White flowers
'Heuchera & Heucherella Autumn Harlow Carr Trio'
Our Price £24.00
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Heuchera ''Chelsea Sparkling Silver'

Heuchera ''Chelsea Sparkling Silver'
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Heuchera ''Chelsea Sparkling Silver'
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'Our Winter Warmer Collection'

'Our Winter Warmer Collection'
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Keep a warm glow as you step outside in the winter with this collection
1 x Heuchera 'Caramel'
1 x Heuchera 'Orangeberry'
1 x Heuchera 'Paris'
'Our Winter Warmer Collection'
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Happy Mothers day 'Best Mum' Trio

Happy Mothers day 'Best Mum' Trio
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'1 x Tiarella 'Sugar and Spice'
1 x Heuchera 'Ginger Peach '
1 x Heuchera 'Sugar Plum
Happy Mothers day 'Best Mum' Trio
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Heucherella Autumn Trio

Heucherella Autumn Trio
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1 x Heucherella 'Tapestry'
1 x Heucherella 'Red Rover'
1 x Heucherella'Sweet Tea'
Heucherella Autumn Trio
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Nepeta racemosa 'Snowflake'

Nepeta racemosa 'Snowflake'
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Pretty pure white flowers on short flower spikes, with grey-green, scented leaves.
Nepeta racemosa 'Snowflake'
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Heuchera 'Raspberry Regal'

Heuchera 'Raspberry Regal'
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A heritage variety and rarely available anywhere these days
Beautiful semi-glossy green foliage with wands of large belled pink flowers on tall stems.

Heuchera 'Raspberry Regal'
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Geum 'Gimlet'

Geum 'Gimlet'
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Very pretty upward facing semi-double flowers, of pale yellow, fading to creamy -yellow towards the petal tips.
Easy to grow. Loved by bees and pollinators.
Geum 'Gimlet'
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Podophyllum 'Kaleidoscope'

Podophyllum 'Kaleidoscope'
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Stunning leaves like umbrellas, with distinct markings which can range in colour from silver to light green and even black in pretty kaleidoscope patterns.
Maroon flowers
Podophyllum 'Kaleidoscope'
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Heuchera 'Leuchtkafer'

Heuchera 'Leuchtkafer'
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Lovely pretty Heuchera with large panicles of vermillion-red flowers which can be fragrant sometimes, over green foliage. Also known as Firefly.
Heuchera 'Leuchtkafer'
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Heuchera Rare National Collection Trio no 2

Heuchera Rare National Collection Trio no 2
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A trio of rare and unusual Heucheras from the National Collection, which we have held for many years now.
1 x Heuchera 'Chiqui' prefers part shade
1 x Heuchera 'Cafe Ole' prefers full sun or part shade
1 x Heuchera 'Charlotte 'prefers part shade
Heuchera Rare National Collection Trio no 2
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'September Trio for Shade No.8'

'September Trio for Shade No.8'
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Heuchera 'Thomas' Shade /Part Shade
Heucherella 'Yellowstone Falls' Shade /Part Shade (trailing variety)
Heucherella 'Honey Rose' Shade /Part Shade
'September Trio for Shade No.8'
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Sempervivum 'Hullabaloo'

Sempervivum 'Hullabaloo'
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Oblong, grey-green rosettes, heavily flushed pink on the outer leaves (changes throughout the year) with clusters of pink flowers in summer.
Sempervivum 'Hullabaloo'
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Erodium absinthoides armenum

Erodium absinthoides armenum
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Lovely dainty pale pink flowers over clumps of finely grey-green divided foliage.
Prefers sunny spot that is well drained.
Very easy to grow.
Loved by bees.
Erodium absinthoides armenum
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Mega Heuchera & Heucherella Collection Trio - Special Offer

Mega Heuchera & Heucherella Collection Trio - Special Offer
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Three of the Best Giant Heucheras we sell.
The names say it all! leave as large as you hand!
All flower, loved by the bees.
Easy to grow.

1 x Heuchera 'Mega Caramel' Fabulous huge Caramel foliage!
1 x Heuchera 'Bronze Beauty' Huge chocolate velvety foliage!
1 x Heucherella 'Art Noveau' Huge fresh green foliage with deep markings in centre !
Mega Heuchera & Heucherella Collection Trio - Special Offer
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Salvia 'I Cavalieri del Tau'

Salvia 'I Cavalieri del Tau'
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Lovely bushy plant with dark stems and short stems of two-lipped,deep pink flowers with white throats, over green fragrant foliage.
Easy to grow Easy to grow, do NOT cut foliage and stems back in winter leave until mid spring.
Needs a sheltered spot in winter.
Flowers Summer through Autumn.
Loved by the bees.
Trim back in July to prevent them getting woody and make them bushier, its also a great time to plant new ones.

Salvia 'I Cavalieri del Tau'
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Aquilegia vulgaris 'William Guinness' (Magpie)

Aquilegia vulgaris 'William Guinness' (Magpie)
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Aquilegia otherwise known 'Grannies bonnets'
Clouds of the deepest blue and white flowers open over a long season, especially if plants are dead-headed. One of the most distinctive and best-known of the old fashioned forms.
Aquilegia vulgaris 'William Guinness' (Magpie)
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Heuchera 'Snowfire'

Heuchera 'Snowfire'
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Fabulous variegated foliage of cream and green all year round, with stunning many bright pink large flowers. Bred by Terra Nova Nurseries.
Heuchera 'Snowfire'
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Heuchera brizoides 'Pluie de feu Brizoides'

Heuchera brizoides 'Pluie de feu Brizoides'
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Neat dark green compact foliage with red flowers.
Heuchera brizoides 'Pluie de feu Brizoides'
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Heuchera 'The Wisley Money Saving Trio'

Heuchera  'The Wisley Money Saving Trio'
save 23%
- +
1 x Heuchera 'Damask' Rare variety with unusual strong tall stems, with whorls of creamy flowers fade to green at the top of the stem
1 x Heuchera 'Phoebes Blush' Pink flowers
1 x Heuchera 'Alfie' Creamy white strong flowers fading to pink
Heuchera 'The Wisley Money Saving Trio'
Our Price £24.00
save 23%
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Heuchera 'The Wisley Happy Sunny Trio'

Heuchera  'The Wisley Happy Sunny Trio'
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1 x Heuchera 'Mulbury' Creamy white flowers
1 x Heuchera 'Wild Rose' Pink flowers
1 x Heuchera 'Zipper' Creamy white flowers
Heuchera 'The Wisley Happy Sunny Trio'
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Dryopteris 'Jurassic Gold'

Dryopteris 'Jurassic Gold'
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Dryopteris 'Jurassic Gold'
Dryopteris 'Jurassic Gold'
Our Price £8.50
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Primula auricula 'Oranges and Lemons Money Saver Collection'

 Primula auricula 'Oranges and Lemons Money Saver Collection'
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Money saving collection 6 plants!
Two great varieties of primula auricula that go well together.
3 x 'Lucy Locket'
3 x Dick Rodgers'
Primula auricula 'Oranges and Lemons Money Saver Collection'
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Brunnera 'A Trio For Shade'

Brunnera 'A Trio For Shade'
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Brunnera foliage fantastic for a shady spot.
1 x Brunnera 'Mr Morse' White flowers
1 X Brunnera 'Jack of Diamonds' Huge leaves
1 x Brunnera 'Sterling Silver' Metallic silver foliage
Brunnera 'A Trio For Shade'
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Sparkling Toffee Trio - Heuchera & Heucherella

Sparkling Toffee Trio - Heuchera & Heucherella
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1 x Heuchera 'Caramel'
1 x Heuchera 'Champagne'
1 x Heucherella 'Brass Lantern'
Sparkling Toffee Trio - Heuchera & Heucherella
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Heuchera 'Evening Gown'

Heuchera 'Evening Gown'
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Incredible huge, glossy, black, ruffled foliage, over which tall flowers spike appear bearing pink flower buds, which open white
Heuchera 'Evening Gown'
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Nursery open day Saturday 30th September 2023 OPEN 1.30pm CLOSE 3.30pm

Nursery open day Saturday 30th September 2023  OPEN 1.30pm CLOSE 3.30pm
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Nursery open day with plants coffee and cake available.
Why not come along to our nursery, have some fun in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere,

Saturday 30th September 2023: 1.30pm to 3.30pm
Nursery open day Saturday 30th September 2023 OPEN 1.30pm CLOSE 3.30pm
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Brunnera Special Collection

Brunnera Special Collection
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1 of each Brunnera macrophylla Jack Frost, Brunnera macrophylla Mr Morse, & Brunnera macrophylla Sterling Silver
Brunnera Special Collection
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Agastache rupestris

Agastache rupestris
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Covered in beautiful orange flower spikes with lavender calyxes, over grey-green foliage.
Agastache rupestris
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Polystichum setiferum 'Plumosum Densum'

Polystichum setiferum 'Plumosum Densum'
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Soft, narrow, dark green fronds has a distinctive shuttlecock-like shape.
Its a great evergreen fern is perfect for a shady border
Polystichum setiferum 'Plumosum Densum'
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Peter Rabbit & Friends Garden Gift Set

Peter Rabbit & Friends Garden Gift Set
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This cute gift set, will really get the little ones started in the garden, learning young and picking up great habits young. The lovely set includes the Peter Rabbit watering can as well as two hand tools, which can be used in the garden or for sand play. The can's durable metal construction means it is long-lasting and can withstand little accidents! Set Contents: Watering Can 15cm high Hand Trowel Hand Cultivator

Peter Rabbit & Friends Garden Gift Set
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Jute Green Garden Twine

Jute Green Garden Twine
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Jute green garden twine 100m ball, great for tying anything in the garden. Gentle on plants .

Jute Green Garden Twine
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Tiarella 'Sylvan Lace'

Tiarella 'Sylvan Lace'
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comng soon
Tiarella 'Sylvan Lace'
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Kniphofia 'Orange Vanilla Popsicle' Special Offer Trio

Kniphofia 'Orange Vanilla Popsicle' Special Offer Trio
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A dwarf variety of the commonly known 'Red hot pokers'
Part of 'The Popsicle series' are all small, fast growing with a long flowering period carrying multiple flowers spikes in this case of orange and cream.
Clump forming and neat.
Bees love them.

Kniphofia 'Orange Vanilla Popsicle' Special Offer Trio
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Hardy Perennials - Mixed packs of 10 x 9cm - 1 - 2 litre pots - Suitable for sun and shade

Hardy Perennials - Mixed packs of 10 x 9cm - 1 - 2 litre pots - Suitable for sun and shade
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Very useful mixture of hardy perennials at a reasonable price but just the same quality. Great for just starting a new border or replacing larger areas etc Our selection, we will hand pick a really good mixture for you. Packed in multiples of 10 pots per pack. Massive saving of up to £10.00 Price per pack (10 x 1 - 2 litre pots)
Hardy Perennials - Mixed packs of 10 x 9cm - 1 - 2 litre pots - Suitable for sun and shade
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Heuchera 'Steel City'

Heuchera 'Steel City'
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Large wonderful foliage and pretty flowers A steely bronze metallic casting covers the large, strong, and slightly textured foliage, the underside is dark red-purple, with beautiful contrasting pretty pink flowers. Bred by Charles Oliver.
Heuchera 'Steel City'
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Heuchera 'pulchella'

Heuchera 'pulchella'
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A very pretty smaller Heuchera with full little pink-white flowers on short stems over green leaves. A species Heuchera from Mexico.
Heuchera 'pulchella'
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Heuchera 'Earth Angel'

Heuchera 'Earth Angel'
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Silver foliage with a green or pink blush smaller rounded leaves very pretty. Red flowers in Summer.
Heuchera 'Earth Angel'
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Heuchera sanguinea 'Ruby Bells' Select

Heuchera sanguinea 'Ruby Bells' Select
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Many fragrant intense blood-red flowers over green foliage. We sell 'select' and this mean ours are not seed raised which tend to vary alot from plant to plant. We grow from cuttings so keep the perfume and colour that the mother plant has. Takes a little longer to produce numbers and grow but we think its worth it.
Heuchera sanguinea 'Ruby Bells' Select
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Heuchera - pubescens

Heuchera - pubescens
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Greenish white flowers with purple markings, over bronze young leaves which get good colour in Autumn. A native of central-eastern USA. Also known as the Downy Alumroot. 'Alum Root' being Heucheras common name along with 'Coral Bells'. Flowering Spring- Summer
Heuchera - pubescens
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