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Geranium clarkei 'Kashmir White'

Geranium clarkei 'Kashmir White'
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Pretty white large open flowers with pale lilac veins over finely cut green foliage.
If planted in numbers it can create drifts which can be trimmed after flowering to maybe get a second flush.
Very pretty.

Geranium clarkei 'Kashmir White'
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Heuchera 'Peppermint'

Heuchera 'Peppermint'
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'The Little Cutie' Series - Heuchera in miniature, Pretty and dainty small peppermint-green leaves with a silvered veiling. Foliage topped with clusters of pink flowers on flower spikes only 20cm high! Flowering Spring, Summer and Autumn. Bred by Janet Egger.
Heuchera 'Peppermint'
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Heuchera 'Silverberry'

Heuchera 'Silverberry'
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Beautiful Silver foliage
Neat mound forming habit
Loved by bees
Heuchera 'Silverberry'
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Salvia 'Amethyst Lips'

Salvia 'Amethyst Lips'
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New Salvia bearing a profusion of eye catching bi-coloured flowers of purple and white
Flowering all summer long, well into the autumn.

Salvia 'Amethyst Lips'
Our Price £6.00
(11 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Green Spice'

Heuchera 'Green Spice'
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RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
Unusual green leaves with dark purple veining, with a silver overlay.
An old favourite, still is different enough to be a must have in any garden. Lovely neat habit. Bred by Dan Heims.
Heuchera 'Green Spice'
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Hosta 'Remember Me'

Hosta 'Remember Me'
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Stunning dwarf hosta with rich creamy-yellow leaves that are edged with splashes of green, which turn paler as the leaves mature through the summer. Added bonus being the lovely lavender flowers. Slow growing and clump forming.
Hosta 'Remember Me'
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Heucherella 'Autumn Cascade'

Heucherella 'Autumn Cascade'
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Lovely new Trailing/Creeping Heucherella with lobed, frilly foliage of reddish orange with pink underside and white flowers.
Great for baskets, ground cover on its own or mixed with other annuals or perennials.
Bred by Janet Egger

Heucherella 'Autumn Cascade'
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Heuchera 'Licorice'

Heuchera 'Licorice'
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Very glossy dark almost black with a burgundy hue. Forms impressive mounds of foliage. Creamy white flowers in Summer.
Bred by Gary Gossett
Heuchera 'Licorice'
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Heuchera 'Autumn Bride'

Heuchera 'Autumn Bride'
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Huge soft, velvet, chartreuse green leaves, with arching sprays of white flowers.
Can be used as a cut flower.
Fabulous statement plant!
Named and introduced by Bluemount Nurseries in Maryland USA
Heuchera 'Autumn Bride'
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Heuchera 'Apricot'

Heuchera 'Apricot'
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Launched by us at the Chelsea flower show 2013 Beautiful rich pink-apricot leaves deepening to burnt orange as the season matures. Beautiful rich rosey-pink long lasting flowers in profusion Bred by Thierry Delabroye
Heuchera 'Apricot'
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Heucherella 'Kimono'

Heucherella 'Kimono'
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RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
Deeply cut mint green leaves with a silver metallic cast, and maroon-purple central markings, turning copper-rose in cooler months. white flowers. Flowers - Spring - Summer.Bred by Dan Heims
Heucherella 'Kimono'
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Brunnera 'Alexandra's Great'

Brunnera 'Alexandra's Great'
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Fabulous gigantic heavily silvered heart-shaped leaves and sprays of blue forget-me-not flowers.
A dramatic statement plant

Brunnera 'Alexandra's Great'
Our Price £8.00
(14 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Georgia Peach'

Heuchera 'Georgia Peach'
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In Spring huge peach coloured leaves with a showy silver overlay adorn a large lush habit. In the autumn and winter the foliage intensifies to rose-purple with a decorative frosted veil. Cream flowers up tall slender pink stems. The leaves are suitable for flower arranging as are most of the Heucheras. Bred by Janet Egger.
Heuchera 'Georgia Peach'
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Tiarella 'Appalachian Trail'

Tiarella 'Appalachian Trail'
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Trailing heart shaped green leaves with a dark center fading out to bright green on the edges. Graceful stems trail with white frothy flowers in abundance. Easy to grow, great for hanging baskets, and spreading ground cover. Very pretty. Bred By Janet Egger 2010
Tiarella 'Appalachian Trail'
Our Price £8.00
(14 reviews)  
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Geum 'Mai Tai' Cocktail Series

Geum 'Mai Tai' Cocktail Series
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Beautiful low clumps of green foliage, with branching purple stems.
Large semi-double and single flowers, of Apricot with rose markings
Dead head to keep flowers coming.
Loved by bees.
Bred by Brent Horvath
Geum 'Mai Tai' Cocktail Series
Our Price £8.00
(13 reviews)  
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Heucherella 'Red Rover' PBR

Heucherella 'Red Rover' PBR
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Lovely deeply lobbed foliage which in spring are a coppery-red with deep burgundy centre.
When the summer heats up the foliage turns to deep olive-green.
The creamy-white flowers are over burgundy rose stems.
Very unusual.

Heucherella 'Red Rover' PBR
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Heuchera 'Coco'

Heuchera 'Coco'
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'The Little Cutie' Series - Heucheras in miniature. Rich black foliage with light delicate pink flowers on short flower stem of only 20 cm high! Bred by Janet Egger 2012
Heuchera 'Coco'
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Heuchera 'Bronze Beauty'

Heuchera 'Bronze Beauty'
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Beautiful large leaves of caramel with an amber shimmer when mature. An architectural heuchera with fabulous tall flower stems carrying cream flowers. A real statement fabulous!
Heuchera 'Bronze Beauty'
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Tiarella 'Iron Butterfly'

Tiarella 'Iron Butterfly'
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Beautiful large fragrant flowers over contrasting, well cut green-bronzed foliage with black fingers down the center of each lobe.
Easy to grow.
Great for shade.
Bred by Dan Heims
Tiarella 'Iron Butterfly'
Our Price £8.00
(14 reviews)  
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Erigeron 'Sea Breeze'

Erigeron 'Sea Breeze'
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Beautiful silvery-blue glaucous foliage with masses of lilac flowers sporting a yellow center.
Very tough ideal for seaside and wind swept places, Rabbits do not like them.
Easy to grow. Bees love it too!
This was bred by Vickys brother Fred Yates
Erigeron 'Sea Breeze'
Our Price £8.00
(11 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Gojiberry' Indian Summer Series

Heuchera 'Gojiberry' Indian Summer Series
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Lovely ruffled tangerine- orange to burnt-orange foliage. Neat mounding habit
Heuchera 'Gojiberry' Indian Summer Series
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Heuchera 'Hollywood'

Heuchera 'Hollywood'
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One of the 'City Series' of Heuchera grown for their great flowers as well as their foliage. Strong repeat blooming flower spikes of dense coral-red flowers, over silver veiled, lightly ruffled metallic leaves. Every flower stem produces dozens of flowers continuously. Compact habit. Flowers good for cutting. Flowering in Summer. Bred by Janet Egger.
Heuchera 'Hollywood'
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Heuchera 'Metallic Shimmer' (TM Fox Series)

Heuchera 'Metallic Shimmer' (TM Fox Series)
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RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
Warm dark chocolate brown foliage with a shiny-bronze metallic casting over ruffled foliage.
Covered in cream frothy flowers all Summer.
Very neat and compact habit.
Bred by Richard & Vicky Fox
Heuchera 'Metallic Shimmer' (TM Fox Series)
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Nemesia 'Lavender Sherbet' Sundae

Nemesia 'Lavender Sherbet' Sundae
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Beautiful sweet perfumed, bi-coloured flowers which continuously flower through Spring, Summer and Autumn.
Nemesia 'Lavender Sherbet' Sundae
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Heuchera 'Blondie'

Heuchera 'Blondie'
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'The Little Cutie' Series - Heuchera in miniature. A smaller variety with Caramel coloured foliage. Covered in pretty, mellow creamy-yellow flowers. Bred by Janet Egger.
Heuchera 'Blondie'
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Heuchera 'Ebony and Ivory'

Heuchera 'Ebony and Ivory'
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Beautiful chocolate-ebony leaves with bronze casting are neatly displayed with bright ivory flowers.
Very free flowering.
Loved by bees and pollinators.
An older variety that has stood the test of time.
Bred by Dan Heims.
Heuchera 'Ebony and Ivory'
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kniphofia 'Mango Popsicle'

kniphofia 'Mango Popsicle'
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A dwarf variety of the commonly known 'Red hot pokers'
Part of 'The Popsicle series' are all small, fast growing with a long flowering period carrying multiple flowers spikes in this case of bright orange.
Clump forming and neat.
Bees love them.
kniphofia 'Mango Popsicle'
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Kniphofia 'Orange Vanilla Popsicle' PBR

Kniphofia 'Orange Vanilla Popsicle' PBR
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A dwarf variety of the commonly known 'Red hot pokers'
Part of 'The Popsicle series' are all small, fast growing with a long flowering period carrying multiple flowers spikes in this case two toned orange and cream.
Clump forming and neat.
Bees love them.
Kniphofia 'Orange Vanilla Popsicle' PBR
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Heuchera 'Sashay'

Heuchera 'Sashay'
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RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
Very frilly foliage, dark green on top and deep luscious burgundy below, very attractive. (This picture shows it with frost on it )
Easy to grow
Bred by Dan Heims.
Heuchera 'Sashay'
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Aruncus aethusifolius

Aruncus aethusifolius
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Neat compact plant with green fern-like foliage which turn yellow then red in autumn, with sprays of tiny creamy-white flowers in early summer
Aruncus aethusifolius
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Heuchera 'Silver Celebration' TM (Fox Series)

Heuchera 'Silver Celebration' TM (Fox Series)
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Large silver-grey metallic foliage with deep dark veining, and a purple underside on leaves.
Some leaves in spring have a purple cast.
Large white flowers.

Heuchera 'Silver Celebration' TM (Fox Series)
Our Price £8.00
(14 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Pink Dancer' TM (Fox Series)

Heuchera 'Pink Dancer' TM (Fox Series)
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Masses of bright pink flowers on short stems, dance over compact, slightly ruffled green foliage.
Hardy, evergreen.
Easy to grow.
Loved by bees and pollinators
Bred by us.
Launched at RHS Malvern Virtual Spring Festival where it can be seen for the very first time!
Available in late June 2020

Heuchera 'Pink Dancer' TM (Fox Series)
Our Price £8.00
(14 reviews)  
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Heucherella 'Pink Fizz'

Heucherella 'Pink Fizz'
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Heucherella 'Pink Fizz'
Heucherella 'Pink Fizz'
Our Price £8.00
(10 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Cool Dude' TM (Fox Series)

Heuchera 'Cool Dude' TM (Fox Series)
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Please note ..this is being launched at Chelsea 2019 Plants will be for sale on here end of June
Unusual cool green with silvery- frosted foliage with deeper veins, which does keep changing through the seasons. Tall, large bell-shaped, dusky-pink flowers on burgundy stems.
Easy to grow and mound forming, good for ground cover.
Looks great with contrasting foliage and flowers too.
Loved by the bees.
UK Bred by Richard & I (Plantagogo) to be able to stand up to our climate. We do get a varied one these days.

Heuchera 'Cool Dude' TM (Fox Series)
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Heuchera 'Red Dress'

Heuchera 'Red Dress'
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New foliage is green and as it matures it goes redder creating a 'Red Dress' by autumn it is all red around the edges. Flowers spikes are short bearing tiny white flowers. Colours up best in plenty of day light.Extremely neat habit. Bred by Dirk Scheys

Heuchera 'Red Dress'
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Heuchera 'Havana'

Heuchera 'Havana'
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One of the 'City Series' of Heuchera grown for their great flowers as well as their foliage. Fantastic large cerise-pink flowers on compact stems, cover its compact swirling yellow-lime leaves with white veiling. A real eye catcher in a shady spot, Havana must have shade. Great for flower arrangers.
N.B. In UK not quite as tough as some of the newer varieties such as Heuchera Caroline.
Bred by Janet Egger introduced in 2010.
Heuchera 'Havana'
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Heuchera 'Pink Panther'

Heuchera 'Pink Panther'
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Pink is the colour!
It has beautiful semi-glossy foliage that emerges pink maturing to a darker berry-pink with darker veining.
Dark rose coloured stems carry pretty pink flowers in summer, that are loved by bees.
Easy to grow.
Heuchera 'Pink Panther'
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Heuchera 'Pear Crisp'

Heuchera 'Pear Crisp'
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Pretty tightly ruffled, crinkled foliage with silver veil. Pure white flowers on short stems over tight mound forming. Smaller variety, doesn't like full sun. Bred by Janet Egger introduced in 2012
Heuchera 'Pear Crisp'
Our Price £8.00
(14 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Electra'

Heuchera 'Electra'
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Fabulous golden leaves with bright blood-red veins The red veins stay until the leaf changes from shades of yellow in Spring, to chartreuse in Summer, then to shades of tan during the Winter. Short white cones of flowers in Summer. Bred by Janet Egger introduced in 2010.
Heuchera 'Electra'
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Heuchera 'Black Forest Cake'

Heuchera 'Black Forest Cake'
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Smooth, dark chocolatey foliage topped with bright cherry-red flowers. Smaller variety.

Heuchera 'Black Forest Cake'
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Heuchera 'Sparkling Burgundy'

Heuchera 'Sparkling Burgundy'
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Fabulous giant 6" burgundy leaves glowing all Spring and Summer, foliage deepens in the Winter to a rich deep burgundy.
Bred by Janet Egger
Heuchera 'Sparkling Burgundy'
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Heuchera 'Phoebes Blush' TM (Fox Series)

Heuchera 'Phoebes Blush' TM (Fox Series)
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Pretty pink in spring on the new foliage. Later changing through dusky pink, pale green, vanilla and all with a pink blush underside.
Beautiful pink flowers. Really neat habit.
Easy to grow
Loved by the bees.
Named after my Granny Phoebe.
Bred by Vicky & Richard Fox Plantagogo
Heuchera 'Phoebes Blush' TM (Fox Series)
Our Price £8.00
(11 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Charlotte' TM (Fox series)

Heuchera 'Charlotte' TM (Fox series)
- +
Pretty foliage green with silver veining, covered in pink-red flowers which are an unusual pointy bells shape.
Masses of flowers in Spring and Summer when mature.
Heuchera 'Charlotte' TM (Fox series)
Our Price £8.00
(0 reviews)  
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Heuchera 'Peach Crisp'

Heuchera 'Peach Crisp'
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Pretty tightly ruffled and crinkled foliage of orange- red. Pure white flowers on short stems over tight and mounding foliage.
Small habit. Very neat and tidy.
Loved by the bees and other pollinators.
Bred by Janet Egger introduced 2011
Heuchera 'Peach Crisp'
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Nemesia 'Forest Fruits' Sundae

Nemesia 'Forest Fruits' Sundae
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Beautiful sweet perfumed, bi-coloured flowers which continuously flower through Spring, Summer and Autumn.
Nemesia 'Forest Fruits' Sundae
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Heuchera 'Pink Pearls'

Heuchera 'Pink Pearls'
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Fabulous flower power! Pretty pale pink flowers all Spring Summer and Autumn.
Leaves are a pink-caramel in Spring and early Summer, deepening into late Summer and Autumn
Bees love it! Bred by Theirry Delabroye.
Heuchera 'Pink Pearls'
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Heuchera 'Frilly Lizzie' TM (Fox Series)

Heuchera 'Frilly Lizzie' TM (Fox Series)
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Beautiful slightly ruffled foliage of burgundy, as it matures it gets a silver cast.
Large flowers of white with a pink tinge on darker stems.
Heuchera 'Frilly Lizzie' TM (Fox Series)
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Heucherella 'Eye Spy'

Heucherella 'Eye Spy'
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Pretty pink flowers over large, dissected leaves of amber-yellow, with deep rose centres maturing to bright chartreuse green with silvery overlay.
Heucherella 'Eye Spy'
Our Price £8.00
(0 reviews)  