Shipping costs

This question was asked by
Caroline Phillips

Can you tell me what standard shipping costs are for the U.K. Please. Thank you.

Hi Caroline
Shipping is £9.95 for any amount UK mainland
Highlands Isles and EU counties have a different tariff.

Vicky and Richard Fox

Posted in FAQ

Is Brunnera macrophylla variegata available to purchase?

This question was asked by
Michael King

Brunnera ‘Alexandra’s Great’
Epimedium pinnatum ‘Black Sea’

I would like the above two plants, but would like them sent when
Brunnera macrophylla variegata
is available. Is this possible?

Hi Michael we have the Epimedium ‘Black Sea’ and the Brunnera ‘Alalexander Great’ but we are not growing Brunnera macrophylla only Brunnera macrophylla ‘Hadspen Cream’ as we think it’s stronger
See link below
Hope this helps—macrophylla–Hadspen-Cream–PBR-696.html
Vicky and Richard Fox

Posted in FAQ

RHS Cardiff Flower Show 2017

We have finished with our first show of the season now, RHS Cardiff flower show. Last year we had our first try at an educational display, so this year we decided to do the same again. We polished up some bits and added some more information and tips and we got another gold! It was a fantastic weekend.

We loved sharing our growing tips and tricks with everyone who visited our stand, and the interest in Heucheras, Heucherellas and Tiarellas. Educational displays are really fun for us as we love talking about these wonderful plants!

Thank you to everyone who stopped by for a chat and picked up some new plants from us. Our next show is Harrogate flower show on April 20th which always promises to be a great one. If you want to order any plants from us and will be at Harrogate show, save a bit on postage and use our ‘click and collect’ option at checkout.

Our First Open Day of 2017

Our first open weekend was fun, even though it started off rainy the weather soon cleared so people could have a wander around and spend time picking out their plants.

We put our medals and awards we’ve won throughout the years on display for everyone to have a look at. It wouldn’t be an open day without cake! We of course had our home made cakes with tea and coffee to wash it down.

A great big thank you for all those who came to our first open weekend of the season! Our next ones will be May 6th and 7th if you’d like to come stock up on plants, have a nosey around our nursery and enjoy a slice (or two!) of cake.